• COMSTECH Inter-Islamic Network on Virtual University
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  • COMSTECH Inter-Islamic Network on Virtual University
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ARTICLE 1: DEFINITIONS 1.1. The name of the Network shall be "COMSTECH Inter-Islamic Network on Virtual Universities" abbreviated as CINVU; 1.2. For this document, unless specified otherwise, the following terms and conditions shall have the meanings ascribed to them as: 1.2.1. "OIC" stands for the Organization of Islamic Cooperation; 1.2.2. "COMSTECH" stands for the Organization of the Islamic Cooperation Ministerial Standing Committee for Scientific and Technological Cooperation; 1.2.3. "Member States" means any representative from Virtual Universities in OIC Member States and COMSTECH (Full members) and other Countries (Observer members) which is a member of the CINVU per Article 6; 1.2.4. "Virtual Universities" refers to all the universities, including online, electronic, open, distance and virtual universities, which are based on technological and IT based infrastructures and knowledge engineering and management; 1.2.5. "General Assembly" means the General Assembly of the CINVU comprising representatives of the Member States as per Article 8 of this Statute;

1.2.6. "The Executive Committee" consists of the Representatives of CINVU Member States including CINVU Secretary General, the number of which to be decided by the General Assembly; 1.2.7. “Host Country” means the Country of the Islamic Republic of Iran that hosts the headquarters, offices and permanent secretariat of the CINVU Network; 1.2.8. "MSRT" means the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology of the Government of I.R. of Iran that is the host; 1.2.9. “Secretary General”, means the Secretary General of the CINVU Network.


2.1. This network is an independent, non-political and non-profitable organization; 2.2. CINVU is working under the umbrella of COMSTECH; 2.3. CINVU is established with the aim of the realization, monitoring and evaluation of objectives described in article 4; 2.4. The operations of the Headquarter will be subject to the law governing of any of the office(s) of the CINVU will be governed under the law applicable in each of the respective countries in which such offices are located;


3. Headquarter of the CINVU is located in Tehran the Islamic Republic of Iran.

